Friday, February 17, 2012

As the Waters Cover the Sea

"The heavens and the earth are the stage on which Yahweh will display beauty, truth, and goodness, and that beauty, truth, and goodness are his glory. Adam was charged to rule over the earth and subdue it, which seems to mean that he was to expand the borders of Eden until the place where Yahweh’s glory was known by his image bearers covered the dry land as the waters cover the sea. Adam rebelled, sought to be like God himself, and was expelled from the garden. The Lord then chose Abraham, and he promised land to him and his seed. Then the Lord brought the seed of Abraham into the Land, and it was as though a new Adam, the people of Israel, were given a new Eden, whose boundaries they were to extend. As Israel subdued the nations round about, the land in which Yahweh’s word was law, the land where Yahweh dwelled among his people, would grow. Here again, Yahweh’s purpose was to cover the dry lands with his glory, and so he invited the messiah, king of Israel, to ask of him, and he would make the nations his inheritance (Ps. 2:8). Like Adam, Israel sinned. Like Adam, Israel was expelled from the land. As with Adam, Yahweh means to save through judgment. The exile displays Yahweh’s justice, and the return is lavish mercy."
--James Hamilton, God's Glory in Salvation through Judgment: A Biblical Theology (2010 A.D.)

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