Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Are We Willing to be Hated?

For those who don't know, a 'millennial' is someone who is about my age (30) on down to the teenage range. This article deals with the issue of millennials and historic Christianity.
A key question that millennials must wrestle with is whether they have the nerve, character, conviction, or content of belief sufficient to make enemies. As Stanley Hauerwas has remarked, ‘Christianity is unintelligible without enemies.’ In a society that values tolerance above almost everything else, do millennial Christians have the nerve to voice truths that alienate, polarize, and antagonize our society, or to behave and speak in ways that might lead to them being hated? The sort of Christianity that spends much of its time criticizing benighted evangelicals for their unprogressive views may receive a friendly platform in places such as the Huffington Post religion section and may be looked upon more indulgently by secular society, but is hardly living up to its calling."
-Alastair Roberts, "Talking About My Generation: Millenials and the Church"
Read the whole thing here:

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