Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Elijah Was a Human Being Like Us

Some authors have told me that a Christ-centered preacher shouldn't hold up Old Testament characters as examples for his hearers. 'That's moralistic,' they tell me. But does it have to be? I have gleaned much help from these authors, and will continue to do so. But I have come to believe that they have overreacted to the dangers of moralism. As a healthy balance, I heartily recommend Jason Hood's book Imitating God in Christ: Recapturing a Biblical Pattern. It demonstrates how Scripture sets forth God, Christ, and godly people as examples for us to imitate. 
"James refers to Old Testament characters five times in five chapters. Abraham, Rahab, Elijah, Job, and "the prophets" are all used as examples for New Testament-era believers (James 2:14-26; 5:10-18). All five characters responded to the work and promises of God. James notes that Elijah "was a human being like us" whose prayers worked powerfully (James 5:17). I suspect that many Christians today would not make such a connection as they read 1 Kings. Many leaders would never think to encourage their congregations to see themselves in Elijah's story so that they gain confidence in prayer. Only my charismatic friends seem to teach such things."
-Jason B. Hood, Imitating God in Christ: Recapturing a Biblical Pattern

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