Monday, March 11, 2013

Jesus Has Imperium

Imperium: Noun: absolute power or authority; the right to command.
"Most people in Western societies lump churches into the same category as soccer clubs or charity organizations. Churches are one more kind of voluntary organization, we say. Alternatively, we regard churches as a service provider, like a mechanic who services your soul or a gas station that fills up your spiritual tank.
But are local churches clubs or service providers that exist by the permission of the state, one more supplicant who depends on the mercy of the lord of the land? 
It's true that you as an individual Christian should submit to the authority of the state. But remember that the state is God's 'servant' and God's 'agent' for bringing judgment (Rom. 13:4). Yes, the state possesses the 'sword,' but it does so only at God's behest. It's also true that churches should abide by the laws of the land when it comes to regulations such as adhering to building codes (if it has a building) or paying taxes on staff salaries (if it has a paid staff). In that sense, churches are like every other business or organization.  
At the same time, there is one thing that should be utterly clear in the Christian's mind: the local church does not exist by the permission of the state. It exists by the express authorization of Jesus. After all, Jesus has imperium, not the state. 
To be a Christian is to know this: Jesus is where the buck ultimately stops. Jesus is the authority to which all other authorities must answer. Jesus will judge the nations and their governments. He is the one with final power over life and death. The state exists by Jesus' permission, not the other way around. States typically don't acknowledge this fact, of course. But churches know it's true (John 19:11, Rev. 1:5, 6:15-17).
All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Jesus, and he gave his church the authority to march on the nations. His church will therefore advance like an army that cannot be stopped. The boundary lines of the nations won't stop it. The executive orders of presidents and prime ministers won't stop it. Not even the gates of hell will slow it down.
Jesus has imperium."
-Jonathan Leeman, Church Membership: How the World Knows Who Represents Jesus

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